We are really happy that you are interested to become a member of our club. Please fill the form bellow and before submitting the form just read the Membership Code of Conduct !!
This Code of Conduct sets out the expected behavior of all members of Tampere Bengal Sporting, when participating in any activity or event, in-person or online. This includes, but is not limited to, sports fixtures, social events, travelling to and from an activity, trips and online communication under the name of Tampere Bengal Sporting.
- To protect members.
- To protect others potentially affected by members’ actions.
- Ensure the highest possible standards of fairness, honesty, competition and behavior.
- Reduce the risk of harm, injury, harassment and nuisance to members and the wider community.
- Create an inclusive environment on and off the events.
- Detail the actions that can be taken should the Code of Conduct be breached.
- All members of this club.
- All the persons officially appointed to any team or individual competing in an event (including Players, administrators, coaches, managers, Volunteers and others active persons during any process of club activity).
All members MUST adhere to the constitution, general rules, regulations and policies of Tampere Bengal Sporting.
- Members should not undertake any action which could bring the reputation of the Club.
- A member must not participate in action which might cause damage to themselves or others.
- Members must report any action that may cause or have caused damage to themselves and others.
- Members must respect the property of the Club and must respect other members.
- Socials (and any related activity) must be opt-in only and have no effect on eligibility to hold membership of the Club or a committee position.
- Members of the Club should not pressure or coerce any other member into any action with which they feel uncomfortable.
- Members must act responsibly at all times when participating in activities and to avoid actions which could bring the group or sponsors/funders into disrepute.
- Members should be aware of how their actions may be perceived by others.
- Members must conduct themselves in a reasonable manner relating to language, noise and behavior.
- Members must compete in a manner of fair play with respect for opponents and polite behavior regardless of the nature of the competition, when representing Tampere Bengal Sporting in a sports fixture.
- Members must treat facilities, staff and students at the University and other institutions with respect and abide by any rules that may apply.
- Members must refrain from any form of harassment of others and respect the rights, dignity and values of others.
- Members must refrain from joining another club or get involve with another other teams, which operates/participates in similar activities without informing the management committee. This will be treated as gross violation of Code of Conduct.
- Members must not encourage or pressure others into acting against the Code of Conduct.
- Members must operate within the rules, including national guidelines, which govern the activity.
- Members must not carry out initiation ceremonies as detailed.
- Members must not be unduly intoxicated at any event or activity where such behavior could be deemed unacceptable or unprofessional.
- Members must abide by the law at all times.
- During Club events, especially those involving the consumption of alcohol, to be aware of behavior and the impact on others, particularly members of the local community.
- Members must not consume alcohol in any sports event, during travel, whilst being transported to or from any activity organized under the umbrella of Tampere Bengal Sporting.
- Without Club committees consent any members must not share any sports equipment’s to a person who does not not belong to Tampere Bengal Sporting Club. For personal use (example: taking home), He/She must agree with club committee.
- Unauthorized use of sports equipment’s which belongs to Tampere Bengal Sporting club, will be same as breaching code of conduct and consequences must be followed for this action.
- Members must take responsibility for their own understanding of this Code of Conduct and the repercussions of any breaches and must seek further information or clarification if they are unsure about how it should be applied.
Social activities such as welcome evenings, team meals, social nights, trips away and celebration events that welcome new members and a positive first impression of Club are encouraged. Initiation ceremonies involving intimidating, humiliating acts that can amount to bullying are not permitted. They do not encourage the welcoming.
The following rules must be followed:
- # All activities must be opt-in and have no bearing on the acceptance into the Group or team/squad selection etc.
- # Peer pressure must not be exerted on individuals.
- # Activities must not be humiliating, unlawful or degrading.
- # Activities must not involve the forced consumption of any fluid/substance.
- # Taking of alcohol to the activity/event must not be made a condition of attendance.
- # Activities must not bring the reputation of Tampere Bengal Sporting into question or disrepute.
The organizer of the event and the Club Captains/Presidents of the group will be held responsible for any Initiation Ceremony that takes place and will run the risk of being suspended or expelled from Club should any instances occur.
All organizers are encouraged to speak to Tampere Bengal Sporting President for guidance regarding welcome events.
If TBS receives information that indicates an activity of a Member or Group may be in breach of this Code of Conduct, the following steps will be taken:
- The sanction process is initiated once an action is reported to the Sports President. Reports can be made anonymously and strict confidentiality will be ensured.
- An appropriate staff member will contact the Member in question to obtain further information and to check if any action has or will be taken by that group.
- The alleged breach will be investigated and if satisfied that a breach may have occurred it will be referred to the appropriate body for consideration. This will depend on the severity of the alleged breach. Those responsible for reviewing and ruling on the complaint may include TBS elected Committee, or a review group including, for example, Club Sports Participation Manager, the Head of Sport and TBS trustees. TBS elected Committee may sit on the review group.
- The reviewing body will make a ruling on the breach and issue sanctions befitting the severity of the breach of the Code.
- Where it is believed the Clubs regulations and policies are breached, the Club may decide to take action in addition to any action the review group imposes.
Any breach of this Code of Conduct may result in TBS disciplinary action. Each of these can lead to one or more sanctions, which may include a match ban, removal of the Member from the Club membership (Temporary or Permanent), removal of Member privileges. More serious breaches can lead to TBS disciplinary action which may impose disciplinary sanctions which affect individuals’ Members to be a participant of any sports event under the umbrella of the club, to be a member of TBS or to continue their Sports at the Club and can also impose fines. If the incident occurred at the end of a Sports year the sanction(s) may be levied for the following year.
If you are unhappy with the outcome of the ruling and/or the sanctions applied, you may appeal within 10 days of receiving the decision.
- Your appeal will be considered on the basis of the information you submit to the Review Group
- New evidence will be considered.
Your appeal will usually be considered within 28 days following submission of your appeal request.